square dance clubs

South & West Kansas (Gold District)
NE Kansas ClubsS & W Kansas ClubsUpdate Club Information


RIVER CITY PLUS, (Plus Program Lessons & Dances), Andover Community Center, 1008 E. 13th St., 7:30 PM Plus, Every Monday, 1ST & 3RD Monday Lessons, 2ND & 4TH Monday Dances, Wayne & Thersea Schremmer, 469 Country Acres, Wichita, KS., 67212-3419, 316-722-3730, Email: Terry & Liz Trimble lrtfromks1@gmail.com Club Caller: Fred Trujillo

Camping (Various Locations)

CAMPING SQUARES OF KANSAS, Camping Sites Vary, Mainstream, with Plus tip, varies, check calendar listing, President Frank & Marty Golden, 4214 West Elm St, Wichita, KS. 67212-2155, 316-943-4137, mfgolden@sbcglobal.net


DO-SI-DO, Central Park Pavilion, 101 S Forest, 8 PM Mainstream, with Plus tip, 1ST & 3RD Saturdays, Clyde & Joy Lowe, 22353 2300th Rd., Chanute, KS., 66720-4136, 620-431-2534 (H), 620-431-9885 (M) Clyde, 620-431-9886 (M) Joy, clyde2534@live.com or joycegrlo@safe-mail.net

El Dorado

CHELSEA SWINGING SQUARES, El Dorado Senior Center, 210 E 2nd Ave., 7 PM, Mainstream, with Plus tip, 1ST Saturday (Dance Only Once a Month), LaVaughn & Cindy Yordy, 120 Woodland St, El Dorado, KS 67042-2142 316-320-9673, lcyordy@swbell.net


HARPER COUNTY SQUARE DANCERS, Kingman, Harbart Hall, 615 W “D” Ave., 2:30 PM Mainstream, 3rd Sunday, (Only Dance Once a Month), Doug Perry, 224 W Spring St., Anthony, KS., 67001-2948, 620-842-3520, doug.perry1963@icloud.com


SHOOTING STARS SINGLES, Reed Center, 317 W 13th St., (Use east door), 7:30 PM Mainstream, with some Rounds, Saturdays, Check Calendar Listing, Jane Rorstrom, 301 W 39th St, Hays, KS., 67601-1518, 785-625-1160, jarorstrom@eaglecom.net


SHOE SCUFFERS, Hesston Middle School, 100 N Ridge Rd., 7:00 PM, Plus, 7:30 PM Mainstream with Plus tip, 1ST & 3RD Saturdays, Allen & Marcia Hahn, 754 Lewis Dr. Hesston, KS 67062-9013, 620-327-2231 (H) 620-217-1172 (M) hahn@southwind.net, www.ShoeScuffers.WeSquareDance.com


STATE FAIR PROMENADERS, Burrton City Hall Auditorium, 203 N Burrton Ave, Burrton, KS. 7:00 PM Plus, 7:30 PM Mainstream & Plus tip, Larry & Debbie Dumler, Lyons, KS. www.SquareDanceHutch.com, Facebook.com/wesquaredance

Park City

CIRCLE 8, Park City Senior Center, 6100 N. Hydraulic, 6:30 PM Pre Rounds, 7 PM, Mainstream & Rounds, 3rd & 6th Tips Plus, 2ND & 4TH Sundays, Co-Presidents, Tammy & Bill Gough, 2101 N. Keith St, Wichita, KS 67212-5370, 316-371-3991 (M), btsgough@cox.net or circleeight@hotmail.com Rocky & Robin Trammell, 10628 N Seneca St, Valley Center, KS, 67417-8642 ,316-841-7328, rockyandrobintram@yahoo.com, www.circle8squaredance.com

DIAMOND CLASSICS, (Advanced Program), Park City Senior Center, 6100 N. Hydraulic, 6 - 8 PM Advanced Dancing, 1ST, 3RD & 5TH Thursdays, Mike & Kay Turner, 7341 Suncrest St., Wichita, KS., 67212-1549, 316-721-4181 (H) 316-650-9527 (C), vturner9@cox.net Club Caller: Mike Turner

DIAMOND PLUS, (Plus Program), Park City, The Park City Senior Center, 6100 N. Hydraulic, 7 - 9 PM Plus, 2ND & 4TH Thursdays Plus, Tammy & Bill Gough, 2101 N. Keith St., Wichita, KS 67212-5370, 316-371-3991 (M), btsgough@cox.net Calling Staff: Tammy Gough

MERRY-GO ROUNDERS, (Rounds), 6100 N. Hydraulic, 1 PM Beginning Two-Step; 2:30 PM Phase 2-4 Dancing/Workshop, Sundays Check Schedule, Kevin & Diane Denning, 3947 S Eisenhower Ct., Wichita, KS., 67215-1763, 316-522-2315, kevindenning@cox.net Club Cuer - Kevin & Diane Denning www.Rounders.WeSquareDance.com


SALINA TWIRLERS, Belmont Boulevard Christian Church, 2508 Belmont Blvd., (3 Blocks South of Magnolia & Belmont), 7:30 PM, Rounds or Plus, 8 PM Mainstream, Rounds and Plus tip, 1ST & 3RD Fridays, Jim & Sue Dellere, 2081 Edward St., Salina, KS., 67401-6761, 785-825-0702 (H), 785-643-2168 (M), sdellere@yahoo.com


DERBY BARN - CONTRA CLUB (Contra), Oaklawn Activity Center (Cafeteria around back), 4904 S. Clifton, TBA [C], Live Band TBA, Beginners Welcome Lessons 6:30 PM, 7 PM Zesty Contra dance, Some dances offer fun squares (No Lessons Required, (Only Dance Once a Month) 1st Saturday, Amanda DeMoss, 1535 N Woodland Ave., Wichita KS 67203-2737, 316-361-6853, derbybarndance@gmail.com www.wichitacontra.org Facebook.com/groups/derbybarndance

KANSAS KOUNTREE KLOGGERS (Clogging), Kiwanis Park, 5105 W 2nd St., 6 PM Basic Level, 7 PM Intermediate Advance, Every Monday, Caitlin Smith, 115 S Rutan Ave 3GJ, Wichita, KS 67218-1135, 316-210-5907 csmith@smalltalkwichita.com Instructor - Joe Dawley 316-259-4283 dawleyjoseph363@gmail.com, www.Kountree.WeSquareDance.com

VILLAGE STEPPERS, Oaklawn Activity Center, 4904 S. Clifton, Wichita, 7:30 PM, Plus, 8 PM Mainstream, Rounds & Plus tips, 2ND & 4TH Saturdays, Nick & Kathy Anderson, 352 Ranger St, Haysville, KS 67060-1514, 316-529-2792 (H), 316-655-7109 (M) kaandna@sbcglobal.net

WEST SIDE STEPPERS, West Heights UMC - Family Center, Door D, 745 N Westlink Avenue, 6 - 8:30 pm, Mainstream, Plus & Rounds. 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings, Sheldon Lawrence, 7422 W Suncrest St, Wichita, KS., 67212, 316-648-7590 (M), countrycaller@cox.net Club Caller: Sheldon Lawrence. We have a wonderful, spacious facility with wood floor. www.westsidesteppers.com